Legal Notice

Blanc und Fis­ch­er Corporate Ser­vices GmbH & Co. KG

Blanc-und-Fis­ch­er-Platz 1-3
75038 Oberderdin­gen

Phone +49 (0)7045-45 0
Fax +49 7045-45 67 870
E-Mail: info(at)

Blanc-und-Fis­ch­er-Platz 1-3
75038 Oberderdin­gen

Phone +49 (0)7045-45 0
Fax +49 7045-45 67 870

Head office: Oberderdingen

Com­mer­cial reg­is­ter: Mannheim HRA 240 382
Ust-IdNr.: DE814599568

Man­ag­ing Directors:

E.G.O. Beteili­gungs GmbH rep­re­sent­ed by the man­ag­ing direc­tors
Bernd Eckl
Heiko Pott
Thomas Pfis­ter
Dr. Karl­heinz Hörst­ing
Frank Gfrör­er

Respon­si­ble for con­tent in the sense of § 18 para. 2 MStV:

Ste­fan Burkhardt, Blanc-und-Fis­ch­er-Platz 1-3, 75038 Oberderdingen 

This imprint also applies to the social media pro­files of BLANC & FISCHER Corporate Ser­vices and the BLANC & FISCHER Ausbildungsakademie (LinkedInYouTubeInsta­gram). Like­wise, the data pro­tec­tion infor­ma­tion of BLANC & FISCHER Corporate Ser­vices applies to the pre­vi­ous­ly men­tioned social media profiles.