Data privacy statement in
accordance with Art. 13 GDPR

Data privacy statement in accordance with
Art. 13 GDPR

1) Infor­ma­tion about the col­lec­tion of personal data and con­tact details of the Controller

1.1 Thank you for vis­it­ing our web­site, and thank you for your inter­est in us. In the fol­low­ing, we will inform you about the han­dling of your personal data when you use our web­site. Personal data is all data with which you can be per­son­al­ly identified.

1.2 Blanc und Fis­ch­er Corporate Ser­vices GmbH & Co. KG is the Con­troller for data pro­cess­ing on this web­site with­in the mean­ing of the Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion (GDPR).

Blanc-und-Fis­ch­er-Platz 1-3,
75038 Oberderdin­gen, Ger­many,
phone: +49 (0)7045-45 0,
e-mail: info[at]

1.3 The Con­troller has appoint­ed a Data Pro­tec­tion Offi­cer. They can be reached at the above address and the addi­tion -Data Pro­tec­tion Offi­cer- or at the e-mail address:

1.4 This web­site uses SSL or TLS encryp­tion for secu­ri­ty rea­sons and to pro­tect the trans­mis­sion of personal data and other con­fi­den­tial con­tent (e.g., orders or inquiries to the Con­troller). You can iden­ti­fy an encrypt­ed con­nec­tion by the char­ac­ter string “https://” and the lock sym­bol in your brows­er bar.

2) Data col­lec­tion when vis­it­ing our web­site – log files 

If you use our web­site for infor­ma­tion pur­pos­es only, i.e., if you do not reg­is­ter or oth­er­wise trans­fer infor­ma­tion to us, we only col­lect data that your brows­er trans­mits to our serv­er (“serv­er log files”). When you vis­it our web­site, we col­lect the fol­low­ing data, which is tech­ni­cal­ly nec­es­sary for us to dis­play the web­site to you:

- The vis­it­ed website

- Date and time of access

- Amount of data sent in bytes

- Source/reference from which you accessed the page

- Brows­er used

- Oper­at­ing sys­tem used

- IP address used (if applic­a­ble, in anonymized form)

Pro­cess­ing is car­ried out in accor­dance with Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR based on our legit­i­mate inter­est in improv­ing the sta­bil­i­ty and func­tion­al­i­ty of our web­site. The data is not passed on or used in any other way. How­ev­er, we reserve the right to check the serv­er log files at a lat­er date if there are con­crete indi­ca­tions of ille­gal use.

3) Dura­tion of stor­age of personal data

The dura­tion of the stor­age of personal data is deter­mined on the basis of the applic­a­ble legal basis, the pur­pose of pro­cess­ing, and – if rel­e­vant – addi­tion­al­ly on the basis of the respec­tive statu­to­ry reten­tion peri­od (e.g., com­mer­cial and tax reten­tion peri­ods). When pro­cess­ing personal data on the basis of explic­it con­sent pur­suant to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR, this data is stored until the data sub­ject with­draws their con­sent. If there are statu­to­ry reten­tion peri­ods for data that is sub­ject to legal oblig­a­tions or oblig­a­tions sim­i­lar to legal trans­ac­tions based on Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR, this data is rou­tine­ly erased after expiry of the reten­tion peri­ods, pro­vid­ed that it is no longer nec­es­sary for the ful­fill­ment of the con­tract or the ini­ti­a­tion of the con­tract and/or we do not have a legit­i­mate inter­est in the con­tin­ued stor­age. When pro­cess­ing personal data on the basis of Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR, this data is stored until the data sub­ject exer­cis­es their right to object in accor­dance with Art. 21 (1) GDPR, unless we can demon­strate com­pelling legit­i­mate grounds for pro­cess­ing which over­ride the inter­ests, rights, and free­doms of the data sub­ject, or the pro­cess­ing serves to assert, exer­cise, or defend legal claims. When pro­cess­ing personal data for the pur­pos­es of direct mar­ket­ing on the basis of Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR, this data is stored until the data sub­ject exer­cis­es their right to object in accor­dance with Art. 21 (2) GDPR. Unless oth­er­wise stat­ed in the other infor­ma­tion con­tained in this dec­la­ra­tion on spe­cif­ic pro­cess­ing sit­u­a­tions, any stored personal data will be delet­ed if they are no longer nec­es­sary for the pur­pos­es for which they were col­lect­ed or oth­er­wise processed. 

4) Cook­ies

In order to make vis­it­ing our web­site attrac­tive and to enable the use of cer­tain fea­tures, we use cook­ies on var­i­ous pages. These are small text files that are stored on your end device. Some of the cook­ies we use are delet­ed after the end of the brows­er ses­sion, i.e., after you close your brows­er (“ses­sion cook­ies”). Other cook­ies remain on your end device and allow us to rec­og­nize your brows­er the next time you vis­it (“per­sis­tent cook­ies”). If cook­ies are set, they col­lect and process spe­cif­ic user infor­ma­tion such as brows­er and loca­tion data as well as IP address val­ues to an indi­vid­ual extent. Per­sis­tent cook­ies are auto­mat­i­cal­ly delet­ed after a spec­i­fied peri­od, which may dif­fer depend­ing on the cookie.

On this web­site, we use dif­fer­ent cat­e­gories of cook­ies: Tech­ni­cal­ly nec­es­sary cook­ies with­out which the func­tion­al­i­ty of our web­site would be restrict­ed, and also option­al analy­sis, func­tion­al, and mar­ket­ing cook­ies, which gen­er­al­ly come from third-par­ty providers.

4.1 Tech­ni­cal­ly nec­es­sary cook­ies (“essen­tial cookies”)

These cook­ies are essen­tial to enable you to move around our web­sites and use their fea­tures. They save, for exam­ple, which prod­ucts you have placed in your shop­ping cart or the progress of your order, or whether you agree to the use of cook­ies, and your choic­es in the cook­ie set­tings. These cook­ies are gen­er­al­ly ses­sion-spe­cif­ic and expire after your vis­it to the web­site (ses­sion), unless the respec­tive func­tion­al­i­ty requires that they are stored for longer (e.g., sav­ing the cook­ie set­tings). Dis­abling this cat­e­go­ry of cook­ies would restrict the func­tion­al­i­ty of the web­site in whole or in part. The legal basis for the use of essen­tial cook­ies and the pro­cess­ing of your data by these cook­ies is our legit­i­mate inter­est in mak­ing the fea­tures of our web­site evi­dent to you and mak­ing them avail­able for use, Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

4.2 Ana­lyt­ics cookies

Ana­lyt­ics cook­ies col­lect infor­ma­tion about how vis­i­tors use a web­site in gen­er­al, such as which pages you vis­it most often and whether you receive error mes­sages from web­sites. All infor­ma­tion col­lect­ed using these cook­ies is sole­ly intend­ed to under­stand and improve the func­tion­al­i­ty and ser­vice of the website.

The legal basis for the use of ana­lyt­ics cook­ies and the pro­cess­ing of your data by the providers of these cook­ies is your pri­or con­sent (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR). You can with­draw your con­sent at any time by click­ing on “Cook­ie set­tings” in the foot­er of this website.

4.3 Func­tion­al cookies

We use func­tion­al cook­ies to improve and sim­pli­fy the use and per­for­mance of our website.

The legal basis for the use of func­tion­al cook­ies and the pro­cess­ing of your data by the providers of these cook­ies is your pri­or con­sent (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR). You can with­draw your con­sent at any time by click­ing on “Cook­ie set­tings” in the foot­er of this website.

4.4 Mar­ket­ing cookies

Mar­ket­ing cook­ies are used to tai­lor adver­tis­ing more specif­i­cal­ly to you and your inter­ests. They are also used to lim­it how often you see the same ad, mea­sure the effec­tive­ness of an adver­tis­ing cam­paign, and under­stand how peo­ple behave after view­ing an ad. These cook­ies are usu­al­ly placed on web pages by adver­tis­ing net­works with the con­sent of the web­site oper­a­tor (i.e., in this case by us). They rec­og­nize that a user has vis­it­ed a web­site and either pass this infor­ma­tion on to other com­pa­nies, e.g., adver­tis­ing com­pa­nies, or adapt the dis­played adver­tis­ing accord­ing­ly. Often they are linked to a par­tic­u­lar web­site fea­ture pro­vid­ed by this com­pa­ny. In this way, we intend to tai­lor the adver­tis­ing on other web­sites specif­i­cal­ly to you and to pro­vide the adver­tis­ing net­works we use with infor­ma­tion about your vis­it so that lat­er you can be pre­sent­ed with the adver­tis­ing that you are poten­tial­ly inter­est­ed in based on your brows­ing behavior.

The legal basis for the use of mar­ket­ing cook­ies and the pro­cess­ing of your data by the providers of these cook­ies is your pri­or con­sent (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR). You can with­draw your con­sent at any time by click­ing on “Cook­ie set­tings” in the foot­er of this website.

4.5 List of ana­lyt­ics, func­tion­al, and mar­ket­ing cookies

You can access the list of cook­ies used by us and the providers who receive personal data from you via the cook­ies on the Cook­ie Plat­form. You can with­draw your con­sent at any time by click­ing on “Cook­ie set­tings” in the foot­er of this website.

If you would like us to send you fur­ther infor­ma­tion about these cook­ies instead, please con­tact us using the con­tact details pro­vid­ed in Sec­tion 1.

4.6 How can I declare or with­draw my con­sent to cookies?

If you are vis­it­ing our web­site for the first time, the infor­ma­tion on data pro­tec­tion and the text regard­ing con­sent to option­al cook­ies will be dis­played on the home page. By click­ing on the indi­vid­ual cat­e­gories (ana­lyt­ics, func­tion­al, and mar­ket­ing cook­ies) and then con­firm­ing by click­ing on “Accept all“, you agree to the set­ting of these cook­ies. You can with­draw your con­sent at any time by click­ing on “Cook­ie set­tings” in the foot­er of this website.

4.7 Google Ana­lyt­ics analy­sis system

With your con­sent (pur­suant to Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR), this web­site uses Google Ana­lyt­ics, a web ana­lyt­ics ser­vice of Google LLC (here­inafter: “Google”). In this con­text, pseu­do­nymized usage pro­files are cre­at­ed and cook­ies (see Sec­tion 2) are used. The infor­ma­tion gen­er­at­ed by the cook­ie about your use of this web­site, such as brows­er type/version, oper­at­ing sys­tem used, refer­rer URL (the pre­vi­ous­ly vis­it­ed page), host name of the access­ing com­put­er (IP address), and time of the serv­er request, is sent to a serv­er of Google Ire­land Ltd. with­in Mem­ber States of the Euro­pean Union or in other States par­ty to the Agree­ment on the Euro­pean Eco­nom­ic Area. Your IP address is anonymized on the servers and then trans­ferred to a Google serv­er in the USA. Only in excep­tion­al cas­es is the full IP address trans­mit­ted to a Google serv­er in the USA and short­ened there. We have con­clud­ed a data pro­cess­ing agree­ment with Google con­cern­ing the use of Google Ana­lyt­ics. Through this agree­ment, Google assures that it process­es the data in accor­dance with the Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion and guar­an­tees that the right of the data sub­ject are protected.

The legal basis for pro­cess­ing analy­ses using Google Ana­lyt­ics is your con­sent in accor­dance with Art. 6 (1)(1) (a) GDPR. In this way, we want to ensure that our web­site is designed to meet require­ments and is con­tin­u­ous­ly opti­mized. On the other hand, we use Google Ana­lyt­ics to sta­tis­ti­cal­ly record the use of our web­site. Fur­ther­more, we use the data for the opti­mized dis­play of adver­tis­ing con­tent. These inter­ests are to be regard­ed as legit­i­mate with­in the mean­ing of the afore­men­tioned provision.

With your con­sent to the use of Google Ana­lyt­ics, you give your con­sent in accor­dance with Art. 49 (1)(1) )(a) GDPR for the trans­fer of your data to a third coun­try (USA). Please note that there is no ade­quate lev­el of data pro­tec­tion in the US and there is a risk that your data may be processed by US author­i­ties for con­trol and mon­i­tor­ing pur­pos­es with­out you being enti­tled to legal remedies.

You can pre­vent the instal­la­tion of cook­ies by adjust­ing the set­tings in your brows­er soft­ware accord­ing­ly. How­ev­er, we would like to point out that in this case, it may not be pos­si­ble to use all fea­tures of this web­site to their full extent.

You can also pre­vent the col­lec­tion of data gen­er­at­ed by the cook­ie and relat­ed to your use of the web­site (includ­ing your IP address) and the pro­cess­ing of this data by Google by down­load­ing and installing a brows­er add-on or deac­ti­vat­ing it via Con­sent Man­ag­er. You can find fur­ther infor­ma­tion on data pro­tec­tion in con­nec­tion with Google Ana­lyt­ics at: or

With your con­sent (pur­suant to Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR), this web­site uses Google Ana­lyt­ics, a web ana­lyt­ics ser­vice of Google LLC (here­inafter: “Google”). In this con­text, pseu­do­nymized usage pro­files are cre­at­ed and cook­ies (see Sec­tion 2) are used. The infor­ma­tion gen­er­at­ed by the cook­ie about your use of this web­site, such as brows­er type/version, oper­at­ing sys­tem used, refer­rer URL (the pre­vi­ous­ly vis­it­ed page), host name of the access­ing com­put­er (IP address), and time of the serv­er request, is sent to a serv­er of Google Ire­land Ltd. with­in Mem­ber States of the Euro­pean Union or in other States par­ty to the Agree­ment on the Euro­pean Eco­nom­ic Area. Your IP address is anonymized on the servers and then trans­ferred to a Google serv­er in the USA. Only in excep­tion­al cas­es is the full IP address trans­mit­ted to a Google serv­er in the USA and short­ened there. We have con­clud­ed a data pro­cess­ing agree­ment with Google con­cern­ing the use of Google Ana­lyt­ics. Through this agree­ment, Google assures that it process­es the data in accor­dance with the Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion and guar­an­tees that the right of the data sub­ject are protected.

The legal basis for pro­cess­ing analy­ses using Google Ana­lyt­ics is your con­sent in accor­dance with Art. 6 (1)(1) (a) GDPR. In this way, we want to ensure that our web­site is designed to meet require­ments and is con­tin­u­ous­ly opti­mized. On the other hand, we use Google Ana­lyt­ics to sta­tis­ti­cal­ly record the use of our web­site. Fur­ther­more, we use the data for the opti­mized dis­play of adver­tis­ing con­tent. These inter­ests are to be regard­ed as legit­i­mate with­in the mean­ing of the afore­men­tioned provision.

With your con­sent to the use of Google Ana­lyt­ics, you give your con­sent in accor­dance with Art. 49 (1)(1) )(a) GDPR for the trans­fer of your data to a third coun­try (USA). Please note that there is no ade­quate lev­el of data pro­tec­tion in the US and there is a risk that your data may be processed by US author­i­ties for con­trol and mon­i­tor­ing pur­pos­es with­out you being enti­tled to legal remedies.

You can pre­vent the instal­la­tion of cook­ies by adjust­ing the set­tings in your brows­er soft­ware accord­ing­ly. How­ev­er, we would like to point out that in this case, it may not be pos­si­ble to use all fea­tures of this web­site to their full extent.

You can also pre­vent the col­lec­tion of data gen­er­at­ed by the cook­ie and relat­ed to your use of the web­site (includ­ing your IP address) and the pro­cess­ing of this data by Google by down­load­ing and installing a brows­er add-on or deac­ti­vat­ing it via Con­sent Manager.

You can find fur­ther infor­ma­tion on data pro­tec­tion in con­nec­tion with Google Ana­lyt­ics at: or

With your con­sent (pur­suant to Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR), this web­site uses Google Ana­lyt­ics, a web ana­lyt­ics ser­vice of Google LLC (here­inafter: “Google”). In this con­text, pseu­do­nymized usage pro­files are cre­at­ed and cook­ies (see Sec­tion 2) are used. The infor­ma­tion gen­er­at­ed by the cook­ie about your use of this web­site, such as brows­er type/version, oper­at­ing sys­tem used, refer­rer URL (the pre­vi­ous­ly vis­it­ed page), host name of the access­ing com­put­er (IP address), and time of the serv­er request, is sent to a serv­er of Google Ire­land Ltd. with­in Mem­ber States of the Euro­pean Union or in other States par­ty to the Agree­ment on the Euro­pean Eco­nom­ic Area. Your IP address is anonymized on the servers and then trans­ferred to a Google serv­er in the USA. Only in excep­tion­al cas­es is the full IP address trans­mit­ted to a Google serv­er in the USA and short­ened there.  We have con­clud­ed a data pro­cess­ing agree­ment with Google con­cern­ing the use of Google Ana­lyt­ics. Through this agree­ment, Google assures that it process­es the data in accor­dance with the Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion and guar­an­tees that the right of the data sub­ject are protected.

The legal basis for pro­cess­ing analy­ses using Google Ana­lyt­ics is your con­sent in accor­dance with Art. 6 (1)(1) (a) GDPR. In this way, we want to ensure that our web­site is designed to meet require­ments and is con­tin­u­ous­ly opti­mized. On the other hand, we use Google Ana­lyt­ics to sta­tis­ti­cal­ly record the use of our web­site. Fur­ther­more, we use the data for the opti­mized dis­play of adver­tis­ing con­tent. These inter­ests are to be regard­ed as legit­i­mate with­in the mean­ing of the afore­men­tioned provision.

With your con­sent to the use of Google Ana­lyt­ics, you give your con­sent in accor­dance with Art. 49 (1)(1) )(a) GDPR for the trans­fer of your data to a third coun­try (USA). Please note that there is no ade­quate lev­el of data pro­tec­tion in the US and there is a risk that your data may be processed by US author­i­ties for con­trol and mon­i­tor­ing pur­pos­es with­out you being enti­tled to legal remedies.

You can pre­vent the instal­la­tion of cook­ies by adjust­ing the set­tings in your brows­er soft­ware accord­ing­ly. How­ev­er, we would like to point out that in this case, it may not be pos­si­ble to use all fea­tures of this web­site to their full extent.

You can also pre­vent the col­lec­tion of data gen­er­at­ed by the cook­ie and relat­ed to your use of the web­site (includ­ing your IP address) and the pro­cess­ing of this data by Google by down­load­ing and installing a brows­er add-on or deac­ti­vat­ing it via Con­sent Manager.

You can find fur­ther infor­ma­tion on data pro­tec­tion in con­nec­tion with Google Ana­lyt­ics at:
or https://marketingplatform.

5) Con­tact

Personal data is col­lect­ed when you con­tact us (e.g., via our con­tact form, e-mail, or tele­phone). The data col­lect­ed if a con­tact form is sub­mit­ted is dis­played in in the respec­tive con­tact form. This data is stored and used exclu­sive­ly for the pur­pose of respond­ing to your request or inquiry and the asso­ci­at­ed tech­ni­cal admin­is­tra­tion. The legal basis for the pro­cess­ing of this data is our legit­i­mate inter­est in respond­ing to your request pur­suant to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

If your mak­ing con­tact is aimed at con­clud­ing a con­tract, the addi­tion­al legal basis for pro­cess­ing is Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR. Your data will be delet­ed after we have fin­ished pro­cess­ing your request. This is the case if it can be deduced from the cir­cum­stances that the mat­ter in ques­tion has been per­ma­nent­ly clar­i­fied and if there are no statu­to­ry reten­tion oblig­a­tions to the contrary.

We will for­ward your con­tact request to com­pa­nies in our Group if your request indi­cates that this is justified.

6) Social media (LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram)

To increase our online pres­ence, we use social media plat­forms to report on prod­ucts and the com­pa­ny, and to be able to exchange infor­ma­tion with cus­tomers, sup­pli­ers, employ­ees, inter­est­ed par­ties, and job appli­cants. In doing so, we also process personal data.

In prin­ci­ple, data pro­cess­ing is based on the reg­u­la­tions of the social media plat­form. Data pro­cess­ing is han­dled by the plat­form oper­a­tor. Fur­ther infor­ma­tion can be found in the data pri­va­cy poli­cies of the operators:

We process personal data for our own pur­pos­es as follows:

To increase our online pres­ence, we use social media plat­forms to report on prod­ucts and the com­pa­ny, and to be able to exchange infor­ma­tion with cus­tomers, sup­pli­ers, employ­ees, inter­est­ed par­ties, and job appli­cants. In doing so, we also process personal data.

In prin­ci­ple, data pro­cess­ing is based on the reg­u­la­tions of the social media plat­form. Data pro­cess­ing is han­dled by the plat­form oper­a­tor. Fur­ther infor­ma­tion can be found in the data pri­va­cy poli­cies of the operators:

We process personal data for our own pur­pos­es as follows:

  1. Pub­lic rela­tions pur­suant to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.
  2. Pub­lic image build­ing pur­suant to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.
  3. Sta­tis­ti­cal analy­sis of user behav­ior for opti­miza­tion and mar­ket­ing pur­pos­es pur­suant to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.
  4. View­ing and answer­ing posts sent/posted to our com­pa­ny page, in groups we man­age, in response to posts, or to news feeds (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR).
  5. View­ing and answer­ing con­tact requests sent to us via the plat­forms (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR).
  6. Pro­cess­ing of sur­veys with spec­i­fi­ca­tion of the user with their express con­sent (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR) or on the basis of a legit­i­mate inter­est (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR).
  7. Pro­cess­ing of com­pe­ti­tions to check the spec­i­fied par­tic­i­pa­tion cri­te­ria, to share or post the trans­mit­ted con­tent required for par­tic­i­pa­tion (e.g., videos or images), to draw the win­ners, and to pro­vide the prize. This is done with explic­it con­sent (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR) or on the basis of pre-con­trac­tu­al mea­sures (Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR).

In prin­ci­ple, data is only processed with­in the social media plat­form. It is used out­side the plat­form only if this is absolute­ly nec­es­sary for the pro­cess­ing of the pur­pose or for the pro­cess­ing of a con­cern expressed by you. For the afore­men­tioned data pro­cess­ing, we use other ser­vice providers, such as E.G.O. Elek­tro-Geräte­bau GmbH, who sup­port us in ful­fill­ing the above-men­tioned pur­pos­es. E.G.O. Elek­tro-Geräte­bau GmbH belongs to the same “par­ent com­pa­ny” with us. We have con­clud­ed cor­re­spond­ing order pro­cess­ing agree­ments with the ser­vice providers in accor­dance with Art. 28 GDPR.

If the data is processed on the basis of a legit­i­mate inter­est, this is based on our inter­est in imple­ment­ing mea­sures for busi­ness man­age­ment and fur­ther devel­op­ment of ser­vices and prod­ucts, imple­ment­ing adver­tis­ing mea­sures for our own or Group-wide ser­vices and prod­ucts, and in order to process your inquiries, com­plaints, returns, or other concerns.

The data is delet­ed in accor­dance with the rules of the social media plat­forms or when a group of adver­tis­ing mea­sures or a post is delet­ed. Data of par­tic­i­pants in a sur­vey or of par­tic­i­pants in a com­pe­ti­tion will be delet­ed at the end of the process, as long as no other infor­ma­tion has been accept­ed in a dec­la­ra­tion of con­sent or there are statu­to­ry reten­tion obligations.

Addi­tion­al expla­na­tion regard­ing Instagram

We are joint­ly respon­si­ble for the pro­cess­ing of insights data with Mata Plat­forms Ire­land Lim­it­ed (“Meta Ire­land”) on Insta­gram. Details con­cern­ing the respon­si­bil­i­ties can be found at

Meta Ire­land agrees to assume pri­ma­ry respon­si­bil­i­ty under the GDPR for the pro­cess­ing of insights data and to ful­fill all oblig­a­tions under the GDPR with regard to the pro­cess­ing of insights data (includ­ing Arti­cles 12 and 13 GDPR, Arti­cles 15 to 22 GDPR, and Arti­cles 32 to 34 GDPR). In addi­tion, Meta Ire­land will make the essen­tials of this web­site insights add-on avail­able to the data subjects. 

Addi­tion­al expla­na­tion regard­ing LinkedIn Insights

We are joint­ly respon­si­ble for the pro­cess­ing of insights data with LinkedIn. Details con­cern­ing the respon­si­bil­i­ties can be found at

LinkedIn agrees to assume pri­ma­ry respon­si­bil­i­ty under the GDPR for the pro­cess­ing of insights data and to ful­fill all oblig­a­tions under the GDPR with regard to the pro­cess­ing of insights data (includ­ing Arti­cles 12 and 13 GDPR, Arti­cles 15 to 22 GDPR, and Arti­cles 32 to 34 GDPR). In addi­tion, LinkedIn will make the essen­tials of this web­site insights add-on avail­able to the data subjects.

7) Rights of the data subject

The applic­a­ble data pro­tec­tion law grants you exten­sive data sub­ject rights (infor­ma­tion and inter­ven­tion rights) towards the Con­troller with regard to the pro­cess­ing of your personal data; these are as follows:

Right of access pur­suant to Art. 15 GDPR:

In par­tic­u­lar, you have a right of access to your personal data processed by us, the pro­cess­ing pur­pos­es, the cat­e­gories of personal data processed, the recip­i­ents or cat­e­gories of recip­i­ents to whom your data has been or will be dis­closed, the planned stor­age peri­od and the cri­te­ria for deter­min­ing the stor­age peri­od, the exis­tence of a right to rec­ti­fi­ca­tion, era­sure, restric­tion of pro­cess­ing, objec­tion to pro­cess­ing, com­plaint to a super­vi­so­ry author­i­ty, the ori­gin of your data if it was not col­lect­ed by us from you direct­ly, the exis­tence of auto­mat­ed deci­sion-mak­ing process­es includ­ing pro­fil­ing, and, where applic­a­ble, sig­nif­i­cant infor­ma­tion about the log­ic involved, and the scope and intend­ed effects of such pro­cess­ing affect­ing you, as well as your right to be informed of the guar­an­tees pur­suant to Art. 46 GDPR when trans­fer­ring your data to third countries;

Right to rec­ti­fi­ca­tion pur­suant to Art. 16 GDPR:

You have the right to have incor­rect data con­cern­ing you cor­rect­ed with­out delay and/or to have incom­plete data stored by us completed;[at]

Right to era­sure pur­suant to Art. 17 GDPR::

You have the right to request dele­tion of your personal data if the require­ments of Art. 17 (1) GDPR are met. How­ev­er, this right shall not apply, in par­tic­u­lar, if pro­cess­ing is nec­es­sary for the exer­cise of the right of free­dom of expres­sion and infor­ma­tion, for the ful­fill­ment of a legal oblig­a­tion, for rea­sons of pub­lic inter­est, or for the estab­lish­ment, exer­cise, or defense of legal claims;

Right to restric­tion of pro­cess­ing pur­suant to Art. 18 GDPR:

You have the right to request the restric­tion of the pro­cess­ing of your personal data as long as the accu­ra­cy of your data con­test­ed by you is checked, if you reject a dele­tion of your data due to unau­tho­rized data pro­cess­ing and instead request the restric­tion of the pro­cess­ing of your data, if you require your data for the estab­lish­ment, exer­cise, or defense of legal claims once we no longer need this data after the pur­pose has been achieved, or if you have lodged an objec­tion for rea­sons per­tain­ing to your par­tic­u­lar sit­u­a­tion, as long as it has not yet been deter­mined whether our legit­i­mate rea­sons over­ride your request;

Right to infor­ma­tion pur­suant to Art. 19 GDPR:

If you have assert­ed the right to rec­ti­fi­ca­tion, era­sure, or restric­tion of pro­cess­ing against the Con­troller, the Con­troller is oblig­ed to inform all recip­i­ents to whom the personal data con­cern­ing you has been dis­closed of this rec­ti­fi­ca­tion or era­sure of the data or restric­tion of pro­cess­ing, unless this proves impos­si­ble or involves a dis­pro­por­tion­ate effort. You have the right to be informed about these recipients;

Right to data porta­bil­i­ty pur­suant to Art. 20 GDPR:

You have the right to receive the personal data that you have pro­vid­ed to us in a struc­tured, stan­dard, and machine-read­able for­mat, or to request the trans­fer to anoth­er Con­troller, inso­far as this is tech­ni­cal­ly feasible; 

Right to with­draw con­sent grant­ed pur­suant to Art. 7 (3) GDPR:

You have the right to with­draw your con­sent to the pro­cess­ing of data at any time with effect for the future. In the event of with­draw­al, we will delete the data con­cerned with­out delay, pro­vid­ed that there is no legal basis for fur­ther pro­cess­ing with­out con­sent. With­draw­al of con­sent shall not affect the law­ful­ness of the pro­cess­ing car­ried out on the basis of the con­sent until its withdrawal;

Right to object in accor­dance with Art. 21 GDPR:

If we process your personal data in the con­text of a bal­anc­ing of inter­ests on the basis of our over­rid­ing legit­i­mate inter­est, you have the right at any time to object to this pro­cess­ing with future effect for rea­sons aris­ing from your par­tic­u­lar sit­u­a­tion. If you exer­cise your right to object, we will stop pro­cess­ing the data con­cerned. How­ev­er, fur­ther pro­cess­ing may take place if we can demon­strate com­pelling legit­i­mate grounds for the pro­cess­ing which over­ride your inter­ests, fun­da­men­tal rights, and free­doms, or if the pro­cess­ing serves to assert, exer­cise, or defend legal claims. If your personal data is processed by us for direct mar­ket­ing pur­pos­es, you have the right to object at any time to the pro­cess­ing of your personal data for the pur­pos­es of such adver­tis­ing. You can object as described above. If you exer­cise your right to object, we will ter­mi­nate the pro­cess­ing of the data con­cerned for direct mar­ket­ing purposes.

Right to lodge a com­plaint in accor­dance with Arti­cle 77 GDPR:

If you believe that the pro­cess­ing of personal data con­cern­ing you vio­lates the GDPR, you have the right - with­out prej­u­dice to any other admin­is­tra­tive or judi­cial rem­e­dy - to lodge a com­plaint with a super­vi­so­ry author­i­ty, in par­tic­u­lar in the Mem­ber State of res­i­dence, your place of work, or the place of the alleged vio­la­tion. A list of super­vi­so­ry author­i­ties includ­ing their con­tact details can be found at the fol­low­ing link:

If you believe that the pro­cess­ing of personal data con­cern­ing you vio­lates the GDPR, you have the right - with­out prej­u­dice to any other admin­is­tra­tive or judi­cial rem­e­dy - to lodge a com­plaint with a super­vi­so­ry author­i­ty, in par­tic­u­lar in the Mem­ber State of res­i­dence, your place of work, or the place of the alleged vio­la­tion. A list of super­vi­so­ry author­i­ties includ­ing their con­tact details can be found at the fol­low­ing link:

If you believe that the pro­cess­ing of personal data con­cern­ing you vio­lates the GDPR, you have the right - with­out prej­u­dice to any other admin­is­tra­tive or judi­cial rem­e­dy - to lodge a com­plaint with a super­vi­so­ry author­i­ty, in par­tic­u­lar in the Mem­ber State of res­i­dence, your place of work, or the place of the alleged vio­la­tion. A list of super­vi­so­ry author­i­ties includ­ing their con­tact details can be found at the fol­low­ing link: